It's pretty hard to make friends.

Especially when you came from another country and share zero of the same culture. 

Will there be a day when I am like 50 years old and I have found that I have no real friends. As in, nobody that really know me for me. That would suck. 

It's not that I don't have friends. It's just I don't have a BEST friend. Somebody that knows me inside out, like Ted and Marshall, Chandler and Joey, although I feel like Joey and Chandler aren't the best BEST of friends, like Joey doesn't understand a lot of what Chandler talks about. But like Meredith and Christina. Yea. I want a friendship like Meredith and Christina. Somebody that I am able to trust my life decisions with.

I want a person.

I just haven't met him/ her yet. Well, I have a best friend on earth actually, just so happen I also am sleeping with him. So, er I don't know if that counts. 


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