I slipped up yesterday. Didn't write a post here like I intended to do.
I found out about macrame and wanted to try my hand at creating a macrame pot hanger, which ended up taking up most of my night. I also grocery shopped and put dishes into the dishwasher.
It's so weird how achieved I feel just doing small errands. Growing up in a society that normalizes housewives and maids, errands such as grocery shopping, cleaning dishes, taking out the trash are a given.
It's also sad that I feel achieved doing small errands. It is a part of life. I feel like I should be able to do small things like cleaning the house and it should be a habit of mine instead of a task that I need to mentally prepare myself to do.
I also think it's ridiculous how seriously people take mental health. This might just be my self-hatred speaking. What I meant by that is how society babies people suffering from depression and anxiety or various other illnesses that plague millennials.
Don't get me wrong, it's an issue that everybody needs to discuss and be educated on. I guess, what I'm trying to express is that I feel as though I have a convenient reason as to why I'm unable to do simple tasks, and that is depression. Again, I cannot reiterate this enough, I don't like to be me.
I feel as though I suffer from mental illnesses because my life was too good.
When you don't have things to worry about, like where your next meal comes from, or how do I get myself out from poverty, or a war to fight, you tend to question yourself. And I in part believe that's where my anxiety comes from.
I have nothing to strive for. Nothing to challenge myself in. Life is good.
I'm only speaking for myself though. I'm a very special snowflake and I'm in the special snowflake demographic.
I remember thinking while I was walking home yesterday about writing being a form of art. Reading Patti Smith transports you to a place where you feel certain emotions. It's hard to put into words, but something like wanderlust, it's a feeling when you watch an especially good travel video with all the right instrumentally music.
Writing about my day isn't all that interesting. I should write about topics. Stories. And, I'm going to try to achieve that.
I found out about macrame and wanted to try my hand at creating a macrame pot hanger, which ended up taking up most of my night. I also grocery shopped and put dishes into the dishwasher.
It's so weird how achieved I feel just doing small errands. Growing up in a society that normalizes housewives and maids, errands such as grocery shopping, cleaning dishes, taking out the trash are a given.
It's also sad that I feel achieved doing small errands. It is a part of life. I feel like I should be able to do small things like cleaning the house and it should be a habit of mine instead of a task that I need to mentally prepare myself to do.
I also think it's ridiculous how seriously people take mental health. This might just be my self-hatred speaking. What I meant by that is how society babies people suffering from depression and anxiety or various other illnesses that plague millennials.
Don't get me wrong, it's an issue that everybody needs to discuss and be educated on. I guess, what I'm trying to express is that I feel as though I have a convenient reason as to why I'm unable to do simple tasks, and that is depression. Again, I cannot reiterate this enough, I don't like to be me.
I feel as though I suffer from mental illnesses because my life was too good.
When you don't have things to worry about, like where your next meal comes from, or how do I get myself out from poverty, or a war to fight, you tend to question yourself. And I in part believe that's where my anxiety comes from.
I have nothing to strive for. Nothing to challenge myself in. Life is good.
I'm only speaking for myself though. I'm a very special snowflake and I'm in the special snowflake demographic.
I remember thinking while I was walking home yesterday about writing being a form of art. Reading Patti Smith transports you to a place where you feel certain emotions. It's hard to put into words, but something like wanderlust, it's a feeling when you watch an especially good travel video with all the right instrumentally music.
Writing about my day isn't all that interesting. I should write about topics. Stories. And, I'm going to try to achieve that.
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