I don't even know what to say.
I'm anxious cause I feel rejected.
I don't know how to feel less rejected. Apparently, I have to accept it.
So here. He said he doesn't want to talk. That there's nothing to talk about because I broke up with him.
He doesn't want to talk. He doesn't care about the relationship the way that you think he does.
Respect that he doesn't want to talk, and that me trying to force it is just me trying to make myself feel better.
It's over. He never wants to be with someone that threatens the relationship. Girl you done fucked up.
It is the feeling of rejection. Whenever I think of him not wanting to see me, the anxiety comes back. I think it's really detrimental to see him now especially.
You are single now.
Life is going to be perilous here. You are going to feel lonely. You will miss your friends and family. Focus on your career, focus on the friendships that you want to cultivate, focus on hobbies, skills, the apartment, fitness and being as present as possible with family.
There are still a couple months of summer left. Go out, work on running again.