My heart is heavy today. I don't really know how I feel to be perfectly honest.

I am a little hurt that he didn't bother to text or talk to me. Then again, I am not surprised. 

Am I okay never talking to him again? I don't think so. I don't think I can stand not seeing or talking to him again. But I'm going to be okay. It's going to be okay.

He didn't bother to listen to you. 
He didn't bother to check in on you the entire time you were on vacation. 
He didn't bother to check in on you the entire time his family was here.
All he thought about was Ada. Ada's mom.
He wouldn't make the effort to get rid of her things when you asked him to.
That's not your responsibility. You don't need to feel any responsibility to make him feel better.
He would nit pick on the smallest things about you. Make you feel more and more insecure, make you think that there's something wrong with you. Tell you that your anxiety was invalid, that your feelings are invalid.
He would tell you that you interrupted him and he would lose his temper at you.
He would lose his temper at you for no reason.
He wouldn't support you. Never helped you with things around the house. Never gave you the confidence you needed. 
Made you feel so small.
He didn't tell you that he loved you. 
He doesn't love you. 
He would never chase you down.
He told you that he would never chase you down.
That I wasn't worth it.
He didn't even care that you left. 
He never did. 
He never told you the stuff that plagues him. 
He is not your partner. 
He is not somebody you want to spend your life with. Somebody that doesn't share with you their hopes and dreams and problems.

And I'm worth more than that. 


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