Obsession Part 2

Opened tabs littering my screen. Analysis Paralysis. There are too many things to do in this life and too little time. 

The device in front of me allowing me to reach the depths of this world. Joining the hive mind. The collective ideas that come out of people. I need to join it. I need to join the collection of knowledge. Joining my stream to this ocean of information. 

My refusal to be part of the ocean makes me secluded. My little puddle being fed by small streams of water, growing yet never having the potential to be anything bigger than a puddle. It's full of life. Anemone everywhere, sustaining wildlife, allowing things to drink from me. 

I think I've been running a long time. It's refreshing to take a deep breathe here. To access my resources. 

I think I might not be even a fraction of the brilliance I thought I was. My brain stagnating, just like that puddle of water. 


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