My heart beats for you.
My heart mourns the day.
Where we sit on the porch, staring out into the water.
My hand holding yours.
Secure in the knowledge that we lived a good, fulfilling life.
My heart mourns the jokes that you make. The little smile when you send me something funny and wait for me to notice. When you say something subtle, and waiting for somebody to get it, the little eye glint. The eye contact you make with me. The skip in the beat of my heart when I see your name light up on my phone.
When you call me nugget.
The smile that lights up your face.
Families and holidays and good food. I mourn for the idea of traditions and a well-choreographed routine. Eye contact across a dinner table, eye contact across a crowd. The hard blink smizing.
The warm hand around mine. The warm hand around my waist, on my thigh as I lie next to you. Your touch calming me down. Making me secure. Assuring me that my thoughts are just that, my thoughts. My hand on your chest. Watching the hairs on your chest move as you breathe. Tracing the curve of your nose. Knowing that you are mine.
I'm happy that we're moving on. Happy to have all these moments with you. I will forever treasure them as long as I remember them. I adore you.
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