
Hey I'm back again.

Anyways, follow me on Dayre if you're interested in daily updates I guess. I have too much thoughts in my brain that seriously one blog ain't enough to contain them. Oh and like what I ranted, the blogger app sucks so difficult to use its just easier to open another blog and just crap there.

Well College. Should be a dream come true for most people that my parents actually pays for my college tuition fees fully and I myself don't even have to pay a damn cent. Which has it pros and cons see, I don't appreciate going to college now. Being totally truthful and honest to myself I rather drop out of college for a year or so and maybe have a job flipping burgers or selling shoes. Not that I don't want an education, just that I don't think I want to study right now. Because my sole motivation of going to college is the fact that I have to. Its such a chore.

The thought of going to college actually repulses me so much I rather go and flip burgers. Maybe my brain is going bonkers. But swear, the chore of waking up early in the morning, and typing out lab reports that I have no idea what they are actually about and figuring out what I'm supposed to do in lab, and homework, and hours and hours of endless classes which heck bore me like crazy at the end of the day I'm essentially brain dead as brain cannot process the huge amount of unknown info in my head invading like a frigging virus that by 6pm, all I can say is just ARGH, ERM, EHHH, BLAHH, and FUDGE. I've turned into a zombie.

Oh and the fact that I have totally limited amount of friends contribute too. But not much as my timetable is so full its impossible to make small talk anyways. And during class everybody is frigging quiet and taking notes and nobody ever talks its like the lecturer is sprouting gold nuggets from his mouth. Which in a sense, yea, gold nuggets of wisdom. Whatever.

Contemplating whether I should differ a year of college just to go flip some burgers and get my act together. See by just typing this blog post I have wasted 10 minutes I could use on studying some statics stuff. God, I'm so stressed right now. And it ain't even test season. Heck it ain't even quiz season. Maybe because my lecturer is freakishly scary. Swear that dude has tiniest eyes and a moustache and he kind of looks like them ancient Japanese Samurai that kill you in your sleep. Doesn't help that he's totally good in Maths. Am totally intimidated by people who are good in maths. I mean, who wouldn't does people are geniuses, they totally have the potential to become pedo serial killers.

Bye. Gonna go slave over lab reports and homework and what not.


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