Back at it again.

Was looking through a list of free hobbies and some of those things on there are outrageous. Things like knitting and crocheting, reading, drawing, gardening Do these people even know how much these hobbies can cost?

I knit and crochet pretty frequently. Sure, needles are pretty cheap, and they are a one time purchase. That'll run you, perhaps $30 to $40 for a full set.

But yarn, yarn is fucking expensive. I spent over $100 bucks on yarn just to create a blanket. And it was one of those granny square crochet along blanket, just to learn how to crochet. Bitch, yarn is expensive. Especially when you want to create more elaborate designs, you'll have to buy like 50 colors. And it clutters the fuck out of your space. Cause most projects take like half a ball of yarn, and you're always left with weird colors, texture and weights of yarn that you bought specifically for a project and now you're stuck with it forever. 

Reading. Sure, you can borrow books from a library. But most of the time, the library near you only has 1 copy of the book you want to read and the wait list for that happens to have 15 people on there and by the time it's your turn you forgotten that you wanted to read the book.

And OMG it's so hot today. It's in the 90s and I'm living in a place where there's no air conditioning. I'm boiling alive over here.

Ain't it weird that I think I felt relived when the pandemic started. I felt relieved that the pressure to go out and have fun and take pictures that look like I'm having fun. 

However, I like going out and doing things too. I think I haven't been able to find a good balance.


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