The goal of this exercise is to keep my pen moving. I would describe the stuff that I make as functional. I like organic, flowy ideas as well as having a certain pattern about it. Very Fibonacci sequence. I like working with white clay really cause it's easy. I like food, I like to make things for people I love, I think I make the best things when I make things for people I love, as in, I have a person in mind that I am making it for. 

What and why of my work. 

I want to create functional pieces. Each with a person in mind. That has organic, set patterns in it. In this exhibition, I have food as a theme. I also like nature as a theme. I like the idea of a plant themed exhibit, a nature formation kind of theme too. These are my influences as my upbringing. I like Malaysia. 

I think Jaime would be a piece. My mom. My brother. My dad. My grandma. 

family themed pieces, for food? For nature? I feel like each person gives me different vibes. Like, Shyn Ru would be a food pieces, so would Jaime. Whereas mama would be a plant themed one, popo would be a natural formation kind of piece. Daddy would also be a nature formation kind of theme. Koko would be a food themed. 

I think it would be Seattle themed for this first exhibit. And probably mainly for my friends. 

A bouldering piece, a nature piece, a piece for my friends. A piece for Jaime. The pig roast. The honda. The tennis. Hawaii. The depression pieces. The green card piece. The desperation piece. The finding love piece. The insecurity pieces. The awe. 


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