
So would you rather have crazy toxic friends that suck your life away than have no friends at all?

Well I know that my topics are all kind of crazy depressing but nothing really interesting happens in my life; plus I suck at telling stories, or that's what my friend tells me. 

Its like the Thomas Theorem where it states that " if men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences." Sorry to get all academic, but it's like the behavior of one person is determined by his or her perception of the situation you're in. So since my friend told me all the time that I suck at telling stories, over time, I do believe that I suck at telling stories, and eventually stop telling stories. 

10 Signs Your Friend is Toxic 

So there is this article that I read, that talks about toxic friends, and well, found out toxicity is actually a two way street, so in some ways, I am a bitch too. So if i don't call somebody, I do in fact, expect people to make the first move and call me first, but apparently its toxic behavior cause it causes people to wither away. 

Maybe I should open up more. See I barely talk to anybody, like, nothing real and from the heart. Since nighttime is the time where the real persona surfaces in people and where fake faces drop off. And, well I can never hangout at night and mornings people really aren't willing to hangout much see.

I make a lot of excuses for myself. However I don't think I'm much different from the various lurker of the deep Internet. I'm a lurker too, and yes I've been to some dark parts of the Internet, it really scars you forever.

Alright maybe I'm all grumpy cause I'm crazy hungry and my parents aren't at home yet to feed me. And maybe I'm PMSey, cause well, its kind time of the month. OMG I HATE LIFE. I'm like the ultimate grumpy cat. But I'm human, if I'm a cat I would earn millions, just like that cat.


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